10 interesting facts about Finland

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It’s hard to come up with something “extraordinary” about a nation that, by many measures, is not only one of the most prosperous in Europe but in the entire world. What interesting facts could exist about a country that, for a long time, didn’t have its own history, being either part of Sweden or the Russian Empire? A country where 70% of the land is covered in forests, and 30% lies above the Arctic Circle? But the Finns have some surprises up their sleeve, and we’ve found enough to fill our top ten list of fascinating facts about Finland! Let’s begin!

1 The 1st country in the world …

Finland became the first country in the world to officially recognize the inherent right of every person to access the internet. This happened in 2010.

2 2 million saunas

There is roughly half a sauna for every Finn, including infants. This means there are more saunas in the country than cars. And to top it off, even Burger King restaurants in Finland are equipped with saunas.

3 3 companies

Only three companies run the gambling industry in Finland: Raha-automaattiyhdistys (casino and slot machines), Veikkaus Oy (lotteries), and Fintoto Oy (racing and sports betting). All the profits from these companies go to charity!

4 4 thousand lucky people…

For two consecutive years, Finland is running an experiment where 2,000 unemployed Finns receive a monthly allowance of 560 euros. These lucky people were selected randomly, and if the experiment is successful, a basic unconditional income will be given to all citizens. The authorities believe this will help level the playing field for professional development across different categories of the population and fight poverty.

5 5 prisoners per 10,000 people

The number of prisoners in Finland’s prisons is one of the lowest in the world, and the treatment of them is among the most lenient. In some prisons, there are no fences, inmates are allowed to go home at night, and their work is well-paid. However, this leniency has led to a large number of inmates simply escaping. The record year was 2013 when one in ten prisoners escaped.

6 6 weeks of vacation

Finns enjoy nearly six weeks of annual vacation (39 days). And when deciding how to spend it, they have plenty of options. A Finnish passport allows travel without a visa to the highest number of countries in the world – 173 in total, which is six times more than what the most “locked in” people, Afghans, can visit (only 28 countries).

7 7 square kilometers of profit

Finland gains up to 7 square kilometers of land each year as the earth rises from the sea at a rate of about 1-2 centimeters per year. In ancient times, the entire country was under the weight of a massive glacier, and now the land is slowly emerging and rising.

8 8 years ago Finns invented a cure for failure

To avoid repeating a mistake, you have to acknowledge it, and the Finns came up with Failure Day. On this day, people discuss their failures and learn not to repeat them. There’s also a Sleepyhead Day when the last person to get out of bed is thrown into a body of water or, at the very least, doused with water. And then there’s Restaurant Day when anyone can open a restaurant without paying fees.

9 90% recycling rate

Finland takes environmental issues very seriously. Up to 90% of plastic bottles and 100% of glass bottles are recycled.

10 10% of the country’s surface is lakes

A legacy of the Ice Age, Finland is home to 188,000 lakes. But that’s not all. Finland also boasts the world’s largest archipelago, with 40,000 islands. How 70% of the country can still be covered in forest is a true mystery.

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