Top 10 Largest urban agglomerations

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Many large cities have grown so much that they have absorbed nearby settlements and literally merged into agglomerations. The question arose: what defines a city? Scientists devised a simple solution, writes the authoritative source, using nighttime satellite imagery to determine the boundaries of urban agglomerations based on continuous light. This method allows identifying which areas are already part of the city and which are not. Using this methodology, the largest urban agglomerations in the world can be named.

1 Tokyo, 37,239,000
Largest cities. Tokyo
Country: Japan. The capital, the largest center of culture, finance, and industry in all of Japan. Located in the southeastern part of Honshu Island. It is the largest urban agglomeration in the world.

2 Jakarta, 26,746,000
Largest cities. Jakarta
Country: Indonesia. The capital and largest city of Indonesia. The city is located on the northwest coast of Java Island.

3 Seoul, 22,868,000
Largest cities. Seoul
Country: South Korea. The capital of the country, a major global industrial and financial center, situated on the banks of the Han River. Among its landmarks are 5 palaces of the Joseon Dynasty.

4 Delhi, 22,826,000
Largest cities. Delhi
Country: India. The largest city in India – “the capital of seven empires”, a place with a rich history containing 60,000 monuments of global importance. The city is located in northern India on the banks of the Yamuna River.

5 Shanghai, 21,766,000
Largest cities. Shanghai
Country: China. The largest city in China, located in the Yangtze River Delta. One of the leading global financial centers. Home to China’s elite, it is a hub of culture, fashion, and bohemian life.

6 Manila, 21,241,000
Largest cities. Manila
Country: Philippines. The capital of the country, situated on the shores of Manila Bay. One of the most densely populated areas in the world.

7 Karachi, 20,877,000
Largest cities. Karachi
Country: Pakistan. A major port city located on the Arabian Sea coast. Karachi hosts all major corporations in the country and is a major center of higher education in the Islamic world.

8 New York, 20,673,000
Largest cities. New York
Country: USA. The largest city in the USA, the most important global financial, political, economic, and cultural center. Located on the Atlantic Ocean coast. The city is home to famous skyscrapers like the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, etc.

9 Sao Paulo, 20,568,000
Largest cities. Sao Paulo
Country: Brazil. The largest city in the southern hemisphere, located in the valley of the Tiete River. One of the most modern cities, almost entirely built with skyscrapers.

10 Mexico City, 20,032,000
Largest cities. Mexico City
Country: Mexico. The capital of the country, the political, economic, and cultural center of Mexico. The city is located in a mountainous basin on the Mexican plateau. Mexico City was built on the site of the destroyed Aztec city of Tenochtitlan by Spanish conquistadors. The city faces enormous transportation problems caused by overpopulation.

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