Top 10 most aggressive dogs

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Any breed can become a threat to humans, even small and cute Pomeranians can turn life into a nightmare and make their owners constantly worry about their health. It is difficult to choose a criterion by which to determine the degree of danger posed by dogs: natural aggression, the size of the dog, the structure of their jaws, or the initial purpose of the pet (fighting or guard type).

The most accurate way to determine how dangerous a breed can be is to consider the number of attacks on humans. In Russia, such statistics are not kept, but in America, they are. For the period from 1982-2015, provides the following data for the USA and Canada:

1 American Pit Bull Terrier – 3397 attacks

3397 attacks. Of these, 295 resulted in death. This fighting breed with a pronounced guarding instinct was originally bred for baiting large animals. It is suitable only for experienced dog owners, as the pit bull is naturally brave, aggressive, and strong. It is an excellent fighter. To suppress aggression, long walks, games, and quality training are necessary.
When getting a dog, you should not be guided solely by various ratings. You need to be prepared for hard work on socializing and training the animal. Without this, any breed can be dangerous to those around it.

2 Rottweiler – 535 attacks
535 attacks during the specified period. This is one of the strongest and most massive breeds. It was originally bred to guard people, livestock, and various properties. It possesses excellent fighting qualities. It has a well-developed jaw, so its bite can be compared to a trap, it is so powerful. At the same time, the dog is cunning. Without socialization and setting clear boundaries, it becomes dangerous not only to strangers but also to its owners.

3 German Shepherd – 113 attacks
German Shepherd
The most famous service breed. It was specifically bred to work in the police, guard various properties, and stand watch. Its high intelligence and good trainability allow it to be used for a wide variety of purposes. However, all positive qualities manifest only with excellent training, as the dog can be resentful and vengeful. Aggressive behavior is one way to express dissatisfaction, disagreement, or an attempt to “punish” the owner.

4 Perro de Presa Canario – 111 attacks
Perro de Presa Canario
Another massive breed. It was originally bred to guard people and livestock. Therefore, they have a strong guarding instinct. They perceive any stranger as a threat. They have a stubborn and willful character, so they require quality training. The owner must be strong both physically and psychologically and morally.

5 Wolf-Dog Hybrid – 105 attacks
Wolf-Dog Hybrid
Despite training and upbringing, representatives of the breed still retain wolf habits and instincts. They are wary of people. Without special acclimation to human society and contact with other animals, they become dangerous sociopaths. They always have their own mind. They can pose a threat both to strangers and to their owners. They are not suitable for keeping in an apartment.

6 Husky – 83 attacks
It’s hard to believe that these blue-eyed beauties are capable of showing aggression at all, but they committed 83 attacks. This is primarily due to improper care. Huskies are a sled breed; they need significant physical exertion and long walks. Otherwise, their energy will seek an outlet, including through aggression. Also, without adequate training, they will constantly fight for leadership in the “pack”. With proper care and upbringing, they are friendly dogs, excellent companions, and even nannies for children (but it is better not to leave a child unsupervised with a dog).

7 Akita Inu – 70 attacks
Akita Inu
Originally bred as a working, hunting breed. It is quite large. It takes great care of its territory and does not allow strangers on it, so it is considered an excellent guard dog. The Akita Inu will aggressively confront anyone who encroaches on its territory, whether it is a human or another animal.

8 Boxer – 64 attacks
The most good-natured and playful breed among the fighting dogs. It was bred as a guard dog, so excessive aggressiveness was bred out. However, the dogs are distrustful of strangers and can perceive their friendliness and desire to communicate as an attack. They are easy to train, love to play at any age, and need interaction with their owner.

9 Chow Chow – 61 attacks
Chow Chow
Cute teddy bear-like dogs are not as simple as they seem. During the reporting period, they attacked humans 61 times. This is because most Chow Chows do not like children’s games and excessive activity; they can respond quite aggressively to behavior they find unacceptable. They are also aggressive toward smaller animals.

10 Great Dane – 37 attacks
Great Dane
During the specified period, there were 37 attacks, 3 of which resulted in death. The issue here is not an aggressive nature but their size. The dog does not need to exert much effort to injure a person: it is one of the largest breeds in the world, with males weighing up to 90 kg, and height at the withers can reach 85 cm. Therefore, they easily knock down even adults. The dog is intelligent, a bit slow, and confident, but ready to protect its owner and territory. They are distrustful of strangers, so caution is needed.

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