Top 10 Robotic Subways in Europe

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First of all, it should be noted that robotization or automation differs in the level of autonomy from humans. Such degrees of automation are distinguished: GoA2, GoA3, GoA4. The highest degree of automation is provided by level GoA4, where personnel are not required for safe operation. Train movement, door opening, response to emergency situations – all of these are done by the automated control system. That’s exactly what we’ll talk about today, the Top 10 Robotized Metro Systems in Europe.
Paris Metro
Surprisingly, France has the largest number of automated transport lines in Europe – 7. These include metros in Paris, Lyon, Lille, Rennes, Toulouse, as well as shuttles at Charles de Gaulle and Orly airports.
Rome Metro
In Italy, automated lines are represented by metros in Rome, Brescia, Milan, Turin, as well as shuttles at Galileo Galilei and Rome airports. In Venice, there is an automated shuttle to the Tronchetto island.
Train lines in Dusseldorf, Dortmund
In Germany, there are automated train lines in Dusseldorf, Dortmund, and Nuremberg, as well as automated shuttles at Dusseldorf, Munich, and Frankfurt airports.
4United Kingdom
Birmingham Airport
In the UK, automated lines are only present at Birmingham, Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted airports.
Metro line in Barcelona
In Barcelona, Spain, there is an automated metro line, as well as a train at Madrid Airport.
Transport line in Lausanne
An automated transport line operates in Lausanne, as well as at Zurich Airport.
Metro in Copenhagen
The metro in Copenhagen is equipped with trains that operate in automated mode.
Budapest Metro
The Budapest Metro, specifically line 4, operates automated trains.
at Alexander Pushkin Airport
An automated passenger transportation system operates at Alexander Pushkin Airport.
10Your country could be here

Only 9 countries in Europe have automated transport systems. If this is not the case, please correct it in the comments.

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